Interview Excerpt

Interviewee details
Interviewee Professor Yeoh Eng Kiong
Job title during SARS Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food of Hong Kong SAR Government
Member of the Executive Council
Appointment held at time of interview Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Language / Dialect Cantonese

Summary of interview
Professor Yeoh reviews his role and observations during SARS. When he was Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food of Hong Kong back then, as a top official, he was the first to receive the reports on SARS. As a physician by profession, and with experience in public health, he considered supervision and assistance in disease control at the front line as his first priority. He relates how Government used the Police electronic fast tracking system in the tracing of contacts. Reviewing the experience gained from the outbreak at Amoy Gardens he relates how important timely investigation and communication with the public was in preventing unnecessary panic, e.g. by informing the public on the results of prompt investigations into the SARS-carrier status of rats at the estate, which was found to be merely a passive one. He describes the division of labor and cooperation between government departments and the Hospital Authority. The interview also reveals problems concerning the Government Bureau’s power in quarantining of Block E, Amoy Gardens and his sharing of personal thoughts on his approach to life and his work.